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August 04, 2017
Abby B
What Makes YOU Feel Powerful?
I feel powerful when I create things that make other people feel good. Whether that's creating a soulful playlist that inspires yoga students, or creating a photograph that captures the emotion that a client is looking for, or even creating a healthy meal as a surprise for my husband, I feel powerful when I make something that brings someone else joy.
What cheers you up?
A handwritten note! My mom still sends me cards in the mail and my husband will leave me post-it notes to find when he's traveling. Just the best!
What advice would you give to your 15 year old self?
Be proud to be tall. Your height is a gift and will give back to you in many ways. Oh, and stand up straight! :)
Favorite way to break a sweat.
It totally depends on my mood! Somedays I just need to run for a solid 30 minutes and let my brain check out. Somedays I simply want to crank up music and dance until I start to sweat. But always, I love to sweat on my yoga mat.
Your go-to healthy snack.
Almond butter. Sometimes on a banana or just straight out of the jar!
Your favorite comfort food.
Pizza! I always want a pizza on Sunday nights. As a kid my dad would always make pizza for us on Sunday nights, so I am sure that's where the connection comes from.
What are your gym bag essentials?
Hair ties, Coconut lip balm, an RX bar (mint chocolate!!), and a full water bottle
What's your favorite Sports Bra style and why?
Lululemon Energy Bra. It's super comfortable, it holds everything in and has a fun pattern in the back. I have it in two colors :)
Who are your favorite women heroes?
Danielle LaPorte. She's one of my favorite authors and her Desire Map workbook was a life changing experience for me.
Note: Abby's amazing picture was taken by Ashley Hylbert Photography.