May 05, 2017
Julie G

What Makes YOU Feel Powerful?ย 

When I see my 2 daughters thriving and making tough decisions for themselves. And when I have a 10 hour day at work and still manage to cook lasagna from scratch for dinner ๐Ÿ˜Ž

What advice would you give to your 15 year old self?

Work a little harder and find inspiration and motivation.

High heels or ballet flats?

I wish I could say high heels...but definitely flats.

What cheers you up?

A hug and a kiss.

A book you have read more than 3 times.

Madame Bovary

Favorite way to break a sweat.

Spin class

Your go-to healthy snack.

Any fruit

Your favorite comfort food.

Chai latte with an orange cranberry scone

Your favorite city, and quick tips for traveling to that city.

Chicago without a hesitation: best restaurants, night life, entertainment...and most importantly the birthplace of my b-school friendships.

What is the first thing you do when you get home from a trip?

Empty my suitcase...I hate mess.

Who are your favorite women heroes?

My mom

Favorite lipstick.

Clarins lip plump